They Are Rewriting Our History — Do You Care?


by Al Benson Jr.

Someone sent me an article from Fox News a couple days ago about two South Carolina politicians, one black and one white, that want to put up a new monument to honor a Union “black Civil War hero” in Columbia, South Carolina.

We presently exist in a cultural vortex in which Confederate monuments and flags are being pulled down or removed almost weekly. In that climate these two South Carolina legislators want to erect a monument to a “Union hero” in South Carolina, the original seat of Southern secession. I am almost tempted to ask “How are the mighty fallen?”

Now I am not disparaging the man they want to put the monument up to memorialize. I don’t know that much about him and he may well have been a brave man. There were many brave men (and some scoundrels) who supported the Union cause and even though I disagree with that cause (consolidation and collectivism) I don’t deny the bravery of many of its adherents.

But the way this particular South Carolina scenario is being handled it looks to me like little more than one more Yankee/Marxist attempt at rewriting our Southern history and promoting Union “values” while denigrating Confederate values. This cultural con game has been going on almost since Appomattox (and, in some various forms, it went on even before the War began). Southern culture has ever been the target of Northern “do-gooders” and their friends on the Left.

This rewrite scenario for our history struck me because these two politicians want to have this new Union monument erected on the “same South Carolina state house grounds where a Confederate flag flew until 2015.” Amazing coincidence! And the Fox News article went on to state that: “Gregory and Jackson were two of the forces working together to have the Confederate flag removed from the Capitol grounds in July 2015.” Do you get what these modern carpetbaggers are doing here? They are replacing Confederate history with Union history in Columbia, South Carolina.

And in how many other places around the South also? How many articles have I seen in the past three years or so where, if some political bootlicker can’t get a Confederate monument removed, why then he, she, or it wants to have additional plaques, complete with “interpretive history” added to the scene so the Confederate monument can now be understood in its “proper context.” What that means, in plain English, is that they will now put up plaques with commentary on them that lies about what the monument really stands for. Sorry, but that’s the way it usually works out.

Find a Confederate monument somewhere that portrays three or four Confederate soldiers and some Leftist “historian” will work to put up a plaque or “interpretive” sign that says “The men represented on this monument  fought to preserve the institution of slavery in the South.” Think i’m kidding?  Go to some of your national “Civil War” battlefields and ask the staff there what the War was really all about. Ask some of those people why the South seceded and they will self-righteously inform you that it was “so the South could keep her slaves.” Any other reasons? Why, what other reason could there have been? It was all about slavery–“everybody” knows that. That’s what our “history” books say. Slavery in the North? Why whoever heard of that? Must be some kind of conspiracy theory! Like me, some of you all have been treated to this psycho-babble before. It’s what the PHDs  tell us–and they Pile it Higher and pile it Deeper than just about anybody else–because they are cultural Marxists and they have an agenda.

Their agenda is to rewrite your history and change your culture, but you all are supposed to be too stupid to figure that out. And if they manage to get enough flags and monuments removed and enough street names changed–and replaced with their opposite numbers from Yankee/Marxist Land, your history will be rewritten–and replaced–and your kids will never know the difference. That, along with the cultural Marxist hogwash they teach your kids in government schools, is the real name of the game. Your kids can do precious little to defend a culture, history, and heritage they are almost totally unaware of now, can they?

You folks who do nothing but sit home and watch reality shows and continuous sports extravaganzas, all the while kidding yourselves that you love your Southern heritage,  had better start thinking about some of this stuff. You may not like what I write–but you better start thinking about some of this stuff. Your kids futures depend on it.

Think about this–once they have destroyed your history and culture and neutered you, the sports shows that bemused you will be gone. No more need for them then! They will have accomplished their purpose for their promoters of keeping you bemused while their promoters destroyed your culture and heritage–and after they have accomplished that, there is no more need to “entertain” you–because you and your kids belong to them. Then the real fun starts–for them!!!

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